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The cleanroom for the International Space Station module and trusses at Marshall Spaceflight Center. Module on the left, trusses on the right. Please excuse the quality... I took this through glass.
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Some of the older rockets that were in rocket park. Left to right as best I can tell: Lunar Rover Model, Mercury Atlas, Mercury Redstone, Army Jupiter, Some Counselors in Training, Saturn I, (Someone tell me what the next one is), Army Redstone, Jupiter C.
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The Saturn-I rocket, or at least as much of it as I could get from as close as I was. If anyone has one of those lenses that stretches a picture so you can take longer pictures on regular film (if you have no clue, proceed to the next picture), please bring it next year so I can get the whole thing.
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The side of the Saturn-V rocket, the one that was lying on its side because Dr. Von Braun thought it'd be nice to have a national historical landmark in his backyard. I can't tell who the people on bottom are, but I'm sure you're among them.
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The new Saturn-V rocket mock-up the Space and Rocket Center is building. You can see some of Space Shot on the left and the mock-up of the lunar rover on the bottom right. (Mind you, I had to take this from across the park to get the whole thing)
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USSRC's mock-up shuttle, the Pathfinder, from the rear. In the background you can see the Saturn-I and the Saturn-V rockets, as well as the main building where Le Café Naste, the training floor, and the museum are.
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Space Shot - the ride that simulates weightlessness by hurling you into the air and then forcing you toward the ground - on the left at mid-rise, and the Saturn-V mock-up on the right. I like this picture.